Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Stories Retold and Truth Untold

Stories Retold and Truth Untold

Down my memory lane , I remember my grandfather holding my small hand and saying “ Don't worry, we are safe and in our place”. That was when a six year kid went with her grandfather and while returning thought they had lost their way. Even now , when I feel lost,i just close my eyes and the same soft gentle voice renders those words and I feel safe.

Its not that my grandfather was never through any turbulence. He has been through Independence struggle,seen conflicts within the community. But he just passed on the pleasant memories and not the sad ones. But why? Was the suffering less?

It is because he wanted his generation to be happy as days go by. Keeping the grudge that we felt and passing to our children, what do we achieve? Sending our children the same agony and make them suffer?

Its not that what you have gone through is something less. Being thrown away from your own land, seeing your people die and the dear ones suffer, the loss is incomparable. Saying to forgive and forget is easy, but getting through is not as putting it in paper.

But the question is: Just killing your neighbors is it the solution. I suffered and so make him suffer. Might be you can say “ An eye for an eye”. But does it end there? You torture one for there doings, his relative will carry the same pain as you carried , for his lifetime. The same principle “Eye for an eye” and they try to spoil your generation's life. So what do you achieve by your principle. Definitely gifting agony to your generation.

You tell me by just killing them your agony is compensated? But definitely we are all not saints to say we will forget all the things that happened to us. We are humans but certainly not animals. We have to think about the consequences of our actions. So it is time to realize that we behave violently and we end up more in agony. But to leave thinking about it when people in power keep reminding them for their advantage, is not easy.

But I hope like me many people would have asked your relatives to stay at home on the judgment day of the Ayodhya Case. But the question is should we pass on the agony. People in support please start remembering the untold truth of your good neighbors and pass it on. Sure we would not want our upcoming generation's to go through the same as we are doing.

So all that I would ask you to “Think and please act appropriately”.

Happy Thinking.